Admission Criteria

Requirements for Admission

The patient requires a rehabilitation hospital level of care if he/she:

  • Requires an active comprehensive multidisciplinary rehabilitation treatment program
  • Requires active and ongoing multiple therapies, one of which must be physical therapy or occupational therapy
  • Can participate in at least three hours of therapy, five days per week or fifteen hours over seven days
  • Is sufficiently stable on admission to actively participate in therapy
  • Requires close medical supervision by a physician with specialized training and experience in rehabilitation
  • Has problems in two or more of the following areas: 
    • Activities of daily living (ADLs)
    • Mobility (walking, wheelchair, stairs)
    • Transfers
    • Sphincter control (bowel and bladder)
    • Communication
    • Cognition (memory, social interaction, problem-solving, etc.)
  • Has potential for measurable functional improvement, expected in a reasonable period of time
  • Has realistic goals (goal is to return safely home or to a community-based environment)
  • Is not able to achieve independence with self-care. This may require a shift from patient-centered therapeutic services to patient/caregiver education to prepare the patient for a safe discharge to home or a community-based environment

Amputation Program

Patients admitted to Baptist Memorial Rehabilitation are medically and psychologically stable, willing and able to participate in an active program of rehabilitation and demonstrate potential to show significant and practical improvement in a reasonable period of time. Inpatient admissions require 24-hour nursing care and for rehabilitation 24-hour availability of a rehabilitation physician. Medical services and intensity of therapy vary depending on setting and patient needs. Admission liaisons are available as needed to assist in determining the appropriate level for each patient. Although admission requires a physician order, referrals come from a wide variety of sources including nurses, case managers, social workers, therapists, hospitals, and/or patients and family member requests.

Inpatient Rehabilitation:

  • Requires relatively intense level of rehabilitation services. General threshold is 3 hours/day over 5 day period or 15 hours over 7 day period.
  • Requires 24-hour availability of MD with specialized rehabilitation training.
  • Requires 24-hour availability of RNs with specialized rehabilitation training.
  • Activity limitations may result in denial of admission. However, exceptions may exist for persons served with secondary diagnoses/complications requiring a low-intensity rehabilitation program. When appropriate, participation restrictions are incorporated as part of an interdisciplinary treatment plan.
  • Willing to actively participate in therapy or treatment.

Brain Injury Program

Patients admitted to Baptist Memorial Rehabilitation Hospital are medically and psychologically stable, willing and able to participate in an active program of rehabilitation and demonstrate potential to show significant and practical improvement in a reasonable period of time. Inpatient admissions require 24-hour nursing care and for rehabilitation 24-hour availability of a rehabilitation physician. Medical services and intensity of therapy vary depending on setting and patient needs. Admission liaisons are available as needed to assist in determining the appropriate level for each patient. Although admission requires a physician order, referrals come from a wide variety of sources including nurses, case managers, social workers, therapists, hospitals, and/or patients and family member requests.

Needs of Persons Served:

  • Potential to show significant practical improvement within a reasonable period of time.
  • Activity limitations may result in denial of admission. However, exceptions may exist for persons served with secondary diagnoses and/or medical complications requiring a low-intensity rehabilitation program.
  • Participation restrictions are incorporated as part of an interdisciplinary treatment plan.
    • Inpatient: Requires relatively intense level of rehabilitation services. General threshold is 3 hours/day over 5 day period or 15 hours over 7 day period.
    • Outpatient: Determined by physician order, plan of care and patient need.
  • Inpatient - Able to follow simple commands in an inconsistent, delayed manner.
  • Inpatient admission requires 24-hour availability of MD with specialized rehab training.
  • Inpatient admission requires 24-hour availability of RNs with specialized rehab training.
  • Willing to actively participate in therapy or treatment